Whether you call them shopping carts or buggies, whether you're buying scrapbooking material at Target or groceries at Tesco, whether you call the level above the one that is on solid earth the 1st floor or the 2nd floor, and whether you are in North America or the UK, we all know that you gotsta get your cart upstairs to where the goods are at in a megastore.
It's just freakin' hilarious the devices that have become normal to make it easiest to do so. Elevators are so passe, I guess. We need crazy cart escalators, or we need angled travelators that magnetically lock the wheels of your cart onto the travelator, preventing punk kids from creating their own free roller coaster. Behold:
In North America:
And in the UK:
which is better, in your opinion?
The Target one is crazy, surely Japan can one up this. They have insane car vending machines...